دکتر ظهیر عباس - متخصص پوست ، مو و زیبایی

Frequently asked questions and misconceptions about skin, hair and beauty

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آدرس مطب : کشور عمان تلفن مطب : 33683931 - 076
  1. Rainy and cloudy days do not need sunscreen! This is a misconception because in this weather, ultraviolet rays are reflected more, so more care is needed.
  2. Do I have to wash every time to renew the sunscreen? No, this is not necessary and can be extended and reappliedover the same, which must be repeated every three hours for proper care.
  3. I am deeply concerned with cleanliness and hygiene. I can not believe I could get head lice?! Head lice have nothing to do with personal health and are transmitted from person to person and usually occurs in crowded places such as dormitories, hotels and schools.
  4. I have acne, can I go for cupping? No; Cupping does not help in the treatment of skin diseases; Of course, in a series of patients with some internal diseases, it may be helpful.
  5. I believe my facial dark spots/melasma are due to liver problem?! Melasma or pregnancy mask (facial blemish) is not related to liver disease and its causes are sun, drugs,pregnancy and thyroid disease.
  6. I believe my pimples are due to liver disease?! Acne has nothing to do with liver disease and its causes include hormonal changes, genetical, side effects of some drugs, and a variety of foods.
  7. The belief that acne is only due to youth pride and does not need treatment is wrong; Acne can be treated to prevent scarring and severe acne.
  8. Accutane capsules cause infertility and have many side effects and should not be prescribed; it is wrong. Any drug, even a simple pill of acetaminophen can cause side effects, so a drug that does not cause any side effects has not been produced yet, even herbal medicines have many side effects; But these side effects do not occur in everyone. Therefore, drugs that are associated with a higher percentage of side effects must be taken under the supervision of a specialist doctor, and Accutane is one of them that should not be used arbitrarily unless when prescribed by a dermatologist; He or she will monitor for possible side effects.
  9. Doctor please remove my moles with laser?all moles can not be removed with a laser. This means that the laser has its own applications and every lesion can not be removed with a laser. My cousin's daughter went to a doctor to remove the moles with a laser, and there are no spots left, and I also want to remove my moles with a laser. Such a claim or wish is also wrong because each mole is removed in different ways depending on its depth and nature, and the probability of remaining its scar or pigmentation is different in different people.
  10. Will wrinkles get worse if I do not repeat Botox? No, it is wrong. The fact is that the skin returns to its pre-Botox state, but because the person has been wrinkle-free for 3 months; he or she do forget the previous state of before Botox and when the effect of Botox goes away, they feel wrinkles worsen.
  11. Good quality Botox means long shelf life of more than six months; This claim is scientifically incorrect. Because standard Botox available such as BOTOX, Neronox, Dysport and Xiomin, last for3-4 months.Of course, it must be said that these effects are different in different people.
  12. .I heard that Botox has many side effects! it is wrong. Unfortunately, due to the use of non-standard Botox and its injection by inexperienced hands are the causes of adverse effects, there is a pessimism in the public, but the fact is that the side effects of Botox are very rare and transient.
  13. Botox is for the elders, I am still young! This belief is also wrong because the best age for Botox is from 25 to 50 years old and when the wrinkles are deep and the skin is loose, Botox alone will not be effective.
  14. Laser hair removal is permanent! no; We do not have such a thing, and any clinic that has made this claim is deceptive. Although in some people we observe permanent hair removal. The fact is that with the best laser, after the end of the initial 6-10 sessions, it will be necessary to repeat 2-3 sessions later as a maintenance treatment. Keep in mind that the number of sessions may vary from person to person.
  15. Is hair removal laser guaranteed? no. With the best laser, the response is 80-90%, but usually with the right choice of the person to whom the laser is done and the appropriate settings of the laser by a specialist, the response is very high.
  16. Does laser hair removal cause cancer of the breast or internal organs? No, because the penetration of laser light is limited to the skin, so it can not cause cellular changes in the lymph nodes, etc.
  17. I want aguarantee about the result of my cosmetic procedure?! Almost all medical treatments and operations have unreliable results. Therefore, it is deceptive for a doctor or a TV commercial or advertisements in social mediasto claim that his treatment or operation is 100% guaranteed. Almost all the results of cosmetic proceduresare relative and do not produce 100% results, and there is no guarantee that there will be no side effects, and there is a possibility of side effects in all treatments and operations, but in some works this possibility is less possible. It is close to zero and in a series of works and treatments, the probability of complications is higher, which can be reduced by choosing a specialist doctor and choosing the right candidate by the doctor.
  18. Is lifting of the skin permanent? No, because the skin sags again with age and after a few years it may be necessary to repeat the lifting operation.
  19. Shampoo stops hair loss and provides hair regrowth!This claim is false. Shampoo is just a cleanser and the claim of an advertisement that the shampoo contains vitamins, etc. and will cause hair regrowth is wrong because vitamins can not be absorbed into the scalp due to their large molecules.
  20. Does the sunscreen or cream you have prescribed will not cause allergy? Any topical cream or sunblock can cause contact allergy but it can not be predicted in all individuals
نسخه اصلی مطلب Frequently asked questions and misconceptions about skin, hair and beauty را در سایت دکتر ظهیر عباس بخوانید.
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